BIG SHIFTS SERIES with Kate Tayloe Pearson, CMO at Saffron Road

1. What are CULTURAL shifts that you see emerge over the next 24 months?

FROM: Millennial values (global and social awareness)
TO: Gen Z values (climavores, socially mindful, managing mental health stress)

“As Gen Z become older and start having more purchase powers, their preferences are going to be more felt; they are the most socially conscious, the most diverse, and very aware of climate change and the impact their purchases will have on climate. They have high awareness of their mental health and report feeling stressed as their lives have largely been shaped by climate change events, global unrest, financial insecurity/student loan debt and COVID-19.”

2. What are CATEGORY shifts that you see emerge in FOOD?

FROM: Faux meat
TO: More natural food alternatives

“More people are coming around saying we don’t want to eat a lot of meat because of the climate, I am going to eat some but they are looking at different sources for those meatless Mondays and the like (…) for instance Shake Shack introduced burgers with real vegetables so there may be a move back to real whole foods vs. more processed shortcuts. We also see a lot of interest via eComm for our Ready-to-Eat Meals that showcase proteins like chickpeas and lentils.”

FROM: Natural & organic
TO: Environmentally relevant claims

“I don’t think people will move away from them (current natural/organic claims), but they will want to have a better, more clear understanding of what each claim means (…) they may look more at regenerative agriculture, carbon neutral, fair trade, rainforest alliance and other environmental claims.”

3. What are CONSUMER shifts that you see emerge in FOOD?

FROM: Food & snacks
TO: Snackification of food

FROM: Food staples
TO: Indulgent innovation

“There is a shift towards more snacking more often which means smaller format eating – affordable indulgences and treats. There is a need for innovation as people are looking for variety, exploration especially while the macro-economic situation is tough (…) finding joy and happiness in these occasions is what people are looking for… something that is also social media image worthy is a win."

4. How are MARKETING PRACTICES going to evolve to adjust to these shifts?

FROM: Campaigns  
TO: Digitally and AI powered marketing

“Embracing AI for marketing – whether that be through ad optimization, generative AI for copywriting or for images, email and sms personalization or simply learning how to better utilize available data will be key to being cost effective and saving time.”

“Digital smart screen freezers are rolling out at Kroger to enhance the in-store consumer experience. They will likely allow shoppers to search for items based on dietary preferences, brand names, flavors, much like the current online shopping experience. I expect advertising opportunities will soon follow, and we will be ready for when that time comes.”


BIG SHIFTS SERIES with Ilene Bergenfeld, CMO at Harvest Hill Beverage Company


BIG SHIFTS SERIES with Agathe Blanchon-Ehrsam, VP Long-Range Innovation at Danone