BIG SHIFTS SERIES with Brigette WOLF, CMO at mymochi

1. What are CULTURAL shifts that you see emerge over the next 24 months?

FROM: Me (protecting my own groups needs, my stardom) 
TO: We (inviting others, being a more holistic community of humans)

“We had so many micro agendas happening that we lost the bigger picture vision of who we are as a people or a country (…) we got so fixated on getting everyone to express some level of individuality, and on putting labels on this individuality that we created more division than collective”

"Culturally we have let celebrity become the proxy for the American dream; we have let celebrities be the influencers and the spokespersons”

FROM: From Organic Human connection
TO: Social dynamics driven by technology 

“We are creating society around technology vs. technology serving society"

2. What are CATEGORY shifts that you see emerge in SNACKING?

FROM: Flury of alternative innovation 
TO: Refocus on core comfort and quality

“The adoption of new new technology is going to be slower because it’s still more expensive (…) there is a lot more nostalgia and comfort coming in (…) there is still a push on health and wellness but indulgence has taken hold quite strongly because other things are hard and food is an easy source of comfort”

“There’s a lot of choice and retailer pressure so there are serious constraints on shelving and refocus on the core (…) because of the cost of food, there is a shift towards quality cleaner foods"

3. What are CONSUMER shifts that you see emerge in SNACKING?

FROM: Snacking as a bridge
TO: Constant fuel throughout the day (physical and mental) 

“Is the bar that I eat lunch or a snack? (..) at some point we are going to have to figure out the new language of how we eat from snacking to eating"

FROM: Indulgence
TO: Self care

“Self care is a form of indulgence: do I take the time for me to do something for me; that is indulgence but it no longer has a negative connotation”

4. How are MARKETING PRACTICES going to evolve to adjust to these shifts?

FROM: One way funnel
TO: Fluid consumer reach

“The conversation with consumer is evolving; it used to be this one way funnel but brands need to have more of a conversation and have a clearer sense of who they are and try and have a level of consistency across conversations"

“The channels are going to continue to evolve (…) it’s about being there when people chose to turn something on, which requires a greater fluidity in marketing”


BIG SHIFTS SERIES with Michael Campi, VP Marketing at Maev
